Dust Mite Anti-Allergen
Video link - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-15716604
BBC Television News 14th November highlighted the plight of 15 year old Gabrielle Crabb, an allergy sufferer who is allergic to his own home.
The cause of some of Gabrielle’s problems is the house dust mite. There can be up to a million living in a mattress, feeding on dead skin and releasing faecal matter which humans’ breathe in.
Gabrielle is allergic to this waste matter, suffering irritated eyes, wheezing and difficulty in breathing.
Such is the extent of Gabrielle’s allergy that he has removed carpets from his home, installed an air purifier,
has a special cover for his mattress and fitted an anti-allergen filter to his vacuum cleaner.
Gabrielle is allergic to this waste matter, suffering irritated eyes, wheezing and difficulty in breathing.
Such is the extent of Gabrielle’s allergy that he has removed carpets from his home, installed an air purifier,
has a special cover for his mattress and fitted an anti-allergen filter to his vacuum cleaner.
Chem-Dry has long recognised that carpet and upholstery act as collectors for allergens such as dust mite waste,
and developed its Dust Mite Anti-Allergen solution which instantly deactivates the allergen found in dust mite droppings.
As carpet and upholstery actually benefit our indoor air quality, acting as filters that attract airborne allergens, Chem-Dry recommends professional cleaning every six to twelve months.
This is to ensure that all carpet and upholstery maintain their filter-like qualities and prevent a build up of allergens.
The application of Chem-Dry’s Dust Mite Anti-Allergen solution after this deep, hot carbonating clean neutralises allergens, which in turn helps to alleviate the onset of allergic reactions.
This is to ensure that all carpet and upholstery maintain their filter-like qualities and prevent a build up of allergens.
The application of Chem-Dry’s Dust Mite Anti-Allergen solution after this deep, hot carbonating clean neutralises allergens, which in turn helps to alleviate the onset of allergic reactions.
Chem-Dry believes its Dust Mite Anti-Allergen solution is the most effective and safest product available today for the surface treatment of dust mite allergens,
and the ingredients used in the solution are derived from naturally occurring extracts found in plants.
Chem-Dry’s Dust Mite Anti-Allergen solution is suitable for use on carpet, mattresses and all household furnishings.
If you need expert advice on Dust Mite Anti-Allergen treatment please contact Chem-Dry Britannia on 0800 357 9066